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EDA2 159 MHz All-Sky Radio Maps

We present two 159 MHz all-sky maps as product from the all-sky spherical harmonic transit interferometric survey performed with the Engineering Development Array 2 (EDA2). The maps are created with a maximum angular resolution of 3.1 degrees and are systematic bias and noise corrected. These maps have < 0.5 K measured thermal noise and are super sampled on a 0.91-degree pixel grid. One map consists out of purely EDA2 data, covering the sky < 60 degrees in declination, with a global sky component of 247 K added to account for the missing largest scale. The other map covers the whole sky and is prior fit with a rescaled version of the 408 MHz reprocessed desourced and destriped Haslam map (Remazeilles et al. 2015) smoothed to the EDA2 angular resolution. The maps have been created using the m-mode formalism. Along with the sky maps, we also provide a spectral index map calculated relative to the reprocessed Haslam map at 408 MHz and a total intensity noise map.

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Mike Kriele (2022). Dataset: EDA2 159 MHz All-Sky Radio Maps.

Retrieved: 13:01, 10 Mar 2025 (GMT)

Data Portal Metadata

Field Nilai
Pembuat Mike Kriele
Pemelihara Mike Kriele
Versi 1.0
Last Updated February 18, 2022, 11:05 (Australia/Sydney)
Publish Date February 11, 2022, 14:27 (Australia/Sydney)
Paper Title Imaging the Southern Sky at 159 MHz using Spherical Harmonics with the Engineering Development Array 2