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4 Kumpulan data found

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  • MeerKAT Flux density monitoring

    Data set associated with Gitika et al 2023 titled: Flux density monitoring of 89 millisecond pulsars with MeerKAT. For each MSP, we have included PSRFIT files of pulsar...
  • PanSTARRS data for galaxy spin patterns asymmetry

    The initial data includes 3,053,831 galaxies from PanSTARRS DR1. That list includes 2,394,452 objects identified as extended sources in all bands. These galaxies were added to...
  • Data for galaxy assymetry experiment

    This page provides links to data files used in the experiment described in Photometric asymmetry between clockwise and counterclockwise spiral galaxies in SDSS  The...
  • The MALT90 line catalog

    The Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz (MALT90) survey aims to characterise the physical and  chemical evolution of high-mass clumps. Recently completed, it mapped 90...