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PanSTARRS data for galaxy spin patterns asymmetry

The initial data includes 3,053,831 galaxies from PanSTARRS DR1. That list includes 2,394,452 objects identified as extended sources in all bands. These galaxies were added to 659,379 galaxies with r Petrosian radius greater than 5.5” and their PSF magnitude subtracted by their Kron magnitude was greater than 0.05.
That galaxy images were downloaded and classified by the Ganalyzer algorithm into 29,013
galaxies annotated by their spin pattern. Galaxies that did not have an identifiable spin patterns were removed from the dataset.
The IDs are used such that only primary detections (rows with bestDetection=1) are used, and multiple primary detections of the same object are averaged. Flag values such as -9999 should also be ignored. Comparing the magnitude of the clockwise and counterclockwise galaxies in all bands provides the asymmetry shown in the paper. The strongest difference (asymmetry) is measured in the RA range of 120 degrees to 210 degrees.

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Lior Shamir (2017). Dataset: PanSTARRS data for galaxy spin patterns asymmetry.

Retrieved: 19:41, 10 Mar 2025 (GMT)

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Field Nilai
Pembuat Lior Shamir
Last Updated September 5, 2017, 12:27 (Australia/Sydney)
Publish Date September 4, 2017, 11:07 (Australia/Sydney)