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MeerKAT Flux density monitoring

Data set associated with Gitika et al 2023 titled: Flux density monitoring of 89 millisecond pulsars with MeerKAT. For each MSP, we have included PSRFIT files of pulsar observations which are fully time and polarization averaged and the frequency channels are averaged into 8 sub-bands. We have provided the mean, median flux densities, standard deviations and modulation indices at 8 different frequency sub-bands for all 89 millisecond pulsars in a csv file format. Spectral indices and pulsar parameters such as period, global coordinates and DM are also included in the data set. The data set is also available in the MeerTime pulsar portal

The columns in the csv data table are as follows:

  • name : Pulsar name (J2000)
  • P0, P1 : pulse period and period derivative in (s) and (s/s), respectively
  • gl,gb : Galactic longitude and latitude
  • nobs : Number of observations
  • m[0-7] : median flux density
  • f[0-7] : mean flux density
  • fe[0-7] : error in mean flux density
  • s[0-7] : standard deviation of flux density
  • r[0-7] : modulation index of flux density
  • re[0-7] : error in modulation index
  • maxmed[0-7] : Ratio of maximum measured flux density to median flux density
  • index : spectral index of pulsar
  • ind_err : error in spectral index
  • s1400 : the flux density at 1400 MHz from a power law fit to the flux density per band 
  • dm : Dispersion measure of the pulsar

and the 8 different frequency sub-bands are centred at 944.4, 1041.1, 1133.5, 1231.3, 1333.1, 1429.0, 1521.3, 1625.2 MHz. 

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Pratyasha Gitika (2023). Dataset: MeerKAT Flux density monitoring.

Retrieved: 21:38, 19 Sep 2024 (GMT)

Data Portal Metadata

Field Nilai
Pembuat Pratyasha Gitika
Pemelihara Pratyasha Gitika
Last Updated October 12, 2023, 21:47 (Australia/Sydney)
Publish Date June 9, 2023, 14:48 (Australia/Sydney)
Paper DOI
Paper Title Flux density monitoring of 89 millisecond pulsars with MeerKAT