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PSR J1757-1854: Reduced data products from a 6-year observing campaign

This data collection is associated with the MNRAS publication "New constraints on the kinematic, relativistic and evolutionary properties of the PSR J1757−1854 double neutron star system" (Cameron et al. 2023). The collection contains 6 years' worth of reduced pulsar data products from observations of the relativistic double neutron star PSR J1757-1854 using the Parkes 64-m radio telescope (Murriyang) and the 100-m Green Bank Telescope.


The data collection is divided into two halves. The "profiles" collection includes a complete set of GBT profiles used to constrain the presence of geodetic precession in the pulsar both through profile morphology change and polarisation change (the latter profiles being stored under "VEGAS_CAL"). Meanwhile, the "timing" collection includes the current timing solution and the pulsar times-of-arrival (TOAs) used in its derivation, as well as the scrunched timing archives and templates used to calculate the TOAs. 


Inquiries regarding this dataset, as well as requests for higher resolution data products, can be directed to

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Andrew Cameron (2023). Dataset: PSR J1757-1854: Reduced data products from a 6-year observing campaign.

Retrieved: 12:47, 10 Mar 2025 (GMT)

Data Portal Metadata

Field Nilai
Pembuat Andrew Cameron
Pemelihara Andrew Cameron
Last Updated June 6, 2023, 10:58 (Australia/Sydney)
Publish Date June 5, 2023, 12:32 (Australia/Sydney)
Paper Title New constraints on the kinematic, relativistic and evolutionary properties of the PSR J1757−1854 double neutron star system