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MWA, ASKAP, ATCA, and Chandra Images of Abell 141 and Abell 3404

MWA, ASKAP, ATCA, and Chandra Images of Abell 141 and Abell 3404 Images provided accompany the Duchesne, Johnston-Hollitt, & Wilber (2021) paper titled "MWA and ASKAP observations of atypical radio-halo–hosting galaxy clusters: Abell 141 and Abell 3404". This data store contains images (and their supplementary data) that appear in the associated paper. Radio images are labelled with the following format:

"cluster_instrument_frequencyMHz[_additionalinfo]_weight[_taper][_type].fits". Images with "taper" are tapered during image gridding, whereas images with "arcsec" are convolved to match the stated resolution after imaging. Note "masked_sub" ASKAP images have been CLEANed with a mask to avoid CLEANing diffuse emission, then re-imaged after subtraction of the CLEAN component model, as described in Section 2.3. Note the "fullband" images contain the same data as the subbands. Note for the MWA-2 data, supplementary text files with data shown in Figure 5 and described in Section 2.1.2 are provided. Additionally, model and residual files for that use are supplied for the relevant images. Note that PSF maps are provided for the Abell 3404 MWA-2 images as the PSF varies significantly over the map, whereas in the case of Abell 141 the variation is minor and the BMAJ, BMIN, BPA in the FITS headers are sufficiently accurate over the entire image. Note, though, that the BMAJ, BMIN, BPA values in the Abell 3404 MWA-2 FITS headers are correct at the location of the cluster so the PSF map is not required if focusing on the cluster. Only images created for this work and used in some capacity for measurements in the paper are provided. X-ray maps are also provided with a similar naming convention. See Section 2.4 in the paper. Please see the accompanying paper for further details.

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Field Nilai
Pembuat Stefan Duchesne
Pemelihara Stefan Duchesne
Last Updated May 28, 2021, 11:44 (Australia/Sydney)
Publish Date May 27, 2021, 13:23 (Australia/Sydney)
Paper Title MWA and ASKAP observations of atypical radio-halo–hosting galaxy clusters: Abell 141 and Abell 3404