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Measured and predicted mode visibilities for red giant branch stars observed by Kepler

The tables contain the data and model predictions shown in Fig.2 and 3 in Stello et al. 2016 (Nature,529,364) and in Fig.4 and 5 in Stello et al. 2016 (PASA, The data contains asteroseismic measurements of 3611 red giant branch stars observed by NASA's Kepler mission, including nu_max, delta_nu, and mode visibility. The theoretical predictions contains mode visibilities for stars with magnetic mode suppression relative to that of normal stars as well as nu_max. The structure of the tables and the columns are as follows: Data table: 13 lines of comments describing the licence agreement and the content of each column, followed by the colums of data. Model prediction table: 14 lines of comments describing the licence agreement and the content of each column, followed by the colums of model predictions.

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Dennis Stello (2016). Dataset: Measured and predicted mode visibilities for red giant branch stars observed by Kepler.

Retrieved: 20:02, 10 Mar 2025 (GMT)

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Field Nilai
Pembuat Dennis Stello
Versi 1.0
Last Updated November 2, 2016, 11:51 (Australia/Sydney)
Publish Date February 19, 2016, 12:30 (Australia/Sydney)
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