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Data for an MWA-2 survey of diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters

A catalogue/table in VOTable format of measured and derived source properties is provided to accompany the paper by Duchesne, Johnston-Hollitt, and Bartalucci (2021) titled 'Low-frequency integrated radio spectra of diffuse, steep-spectrum sources in galaxy clusters: palaeontology with the MWA and ASKAP'.
In addition to the source table, a collection of MWA and ASKAP images with auxiliary files necessary for flux density measurement and source characterisation is provided.
Please see the associated paper for further description of the images and source table.
Note that “sub” in an image name notes that the image has had compact sources subtracted. The collection of text files are used to assess the effect of un-deconvolved flux in certain MWA-2 images as described in Section 2.4.2 and in Appendix D.

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Stefan Duchesne (2021). Dataset: Data for an MWA-2 survey of diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters.

Retrieved: 11:48, 15 Feb 2025 (GMT)

Data Portal Metadata

Field Value
Author Stefan Duchesne
Maintainer Stefan Duchesne
Last Updated August 20, 2021, 14:46 (Australia/Sydney)
Publish Date August 19, 2021, 09:48 (Australia/Sydney)
Paper Title Low-frequency integrated radio spectra of diffuse, steep-spectrum sources in galaxy clusters: palaeontology with the MWA and ASKAP